Dear friends,

Today’s prompt and image come from the brilliant Tracy Brisson, founder of The Opportunities Project.

Tracy writes:

In 2015, is there something you’d like to try harder at because you believe it would make all the difference? 

Conversely, what is something you could stop trying so hard at that might actually help you manifest what you’d like?

Through Interplay, I was introduced to the concept that our body has Four movement patterns (by Betsy Wetzig):  Swing, Thrust, Shape and Hang.  Usually a person has one pattern they lead with in their lives.

When I think about “try harder” I think about the thrusting movement.  Think Karate, throwing paint and pushing your way through the world.

In my role as a mother who often “drives the bus” for the family I feel like I am put in the position of thruster more often than I like.  That and a shaper.  So when asked the question,

“In 2015, is there something you’d like to try harder at because you believe it would make all the difference?” 

Photo by Trish Weaver – after I See You Free Performance

My body answers, “No.”  This year I don’t want to try harder.  This year I want to “swing.”  I want to gently and gracefully go through the year meeting things as they arise and dancing with them.  I’m a bit tired of all out thrusting and I’m ready to “go with the flow.”

Of course that might just be this morning since I checked in with my body through some deep breathing and stillness and my sinuses are fussing at me a little 😉  and my too do list is trying to take over.  Today my body is really, really wanting to just “hang” and dream and be.

I think that’s my answer to the next question too:

Conversely, what is something you could stop trying so hard at that might actually help you manifest what you’d like?

Yes to adding in more “hang” time – with meditation, day-dreaming and mindfulness.  

This year has been so full and fun as I learn the Interplay system and am integrating my mind, body and spirit.  Checking in with my body and seeing where it is at verses just pushing on as so often I have done in my life.

Check out Betsy’s book:Move to Greatness: Focusing the Four Essential Energies of a Whole and Balanced Leader.

Another InterPlayer in Seattle wrote this blog after his experience:Exploring the Four Movement Patterns.

Wrapping your around with infinite love and movement,


P.S.  We have several musical instruments on our tree since our girls play the strings.  Alex plays Cello and Sammie the Bass.  This ornament was one we gave out to all of  Sammie’s after school music program in 5th grade (she was playing the Bass at that time).  I found a “lot” of them at an estate sale.