Dear friends,

 Day 12: a love 


Today’s prompt comes from the beautiful Amy Taylor-Kabbaz.
It all starts with kindness. Everything I have learnt, everyone I have interviewed, every word I have studied has guided me to this simple but profound conclusion: true happiness begins and ends with self-kindness.
No more guilt. No more shoulds. No more comparison.
And the very best way to give your weary soul some kindness at the end of this year? A love note.
Write a letter from you to you… filled with forgiveness, love, and a big bear hug.
Dear Christine,
I wanted to tell you how much I love and appreciate you.  You have been in my life for 44 years and our friendship means the world to me.  The times we sit together quietly and meditate – I treasure.  Your connection to Mother Earth I honor.  The fun times we have moving our body and dancing, running, cycling, zumba-ing and swimming I am so grateful for.  I really love the way you have been taking care of you and prioritizing healthy eating and sleep.  Oh and can I tell you how proud I am of you going for your InterPlay leadership training – wheeeee! 

I love you.  I love the way you nurture your family and friends.  Even when you start juggling tons of balls in the air I love the way you make time for the important things like a friend in need.  Thank you.  Thank you for living your dreams and having fun while going for it! 

Wrapping you around with infinite love and more love,
P.s.  This ornament was given to my by my dear friend Tracey Freyre after one of her traveling adventures.  I love it and usually leave it out all year so I can think of her often!