Welcome friends,

I want to share all kinds of wonderful stories from today it was so yummy AND my body is very clearly telling me it’s tired and time to rest.  So today I will let the pictures speak for me and hopefully tomorrow be able to write more.

The Clouds this morning were fabulous!

I felt like I was driving in a Van Gogh painting

I love this pic – do you see the bird?

Here the sun is coming up and greeting the sky
One last one – aren’t they yummy!

This morning I went downtown (my sweetheart dropped me off) to hear my friend +Hallelujah Truth 

I got to go to C4 Atlanta for the first time – such a cool space!!!
+Hallelujah Truth  Ruth did a great talk on The Artist’s Daily Blog

Beautiful artwork in the underground Marta tunnel – I took the train back to the suburbs
It was a beautiful day and it looks like tomorrow my daffodils may bloom!

 I hope you had a terrific Tuesday too!  What were you up too?

Wrapping you around with infinite love and wisdom today and always,
