#reverb13 Day 11: Boldly go

What challenges lie ahead in 2014? How might you meet them boldly?  


Challenges in 2014 – we are in the process of buying our home.  I would love for it to be completed by April.  Since paperwork is not one of my superpowers (I have many but that is for another post 😉 ) I will meet this challenge by dealing with it for 15 min. a day.  Checking in with the people I’m dealing with to find out what more they need, following up, etc. until it is completed.

 Another challenge is shifting/relaunching my coaching business.  2013 brought some clarity with where I want my “work” to go.  So in 2014 I’m launching a new website in conjunction with my adoption coaching business.  I will be offering adoption coaching for families who are in transition and bringing new family members in.  I will be able to offer this by phone, Skype (or other similar programs) and/or in person.  So this month I’m working on all the tasks and details associated with the business and plan to go for it at the beginning of 2014.  


I think a challenge that is always around, no matter what the year, for me, is the challenge to stay in balance.  As a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, coach, athlete, etc. etc. etc. I have so many roles and people that tug at my time.  I am doing my best to stay in balance.  To remember to take care of the basics…good sleep, great food, exercise.  The things that keep my body going and healthy so I am in the best place possible to greet life with joy.  The older I get the more I love my routines.  Don’t get me wrong I love my spontaneity too 🙂 but boy do I realize how much my yoga routine and The FlyLady system help me to stay in balance with all the rest of my life and challenges that pop-up. 

I will meet these challenges with grace and  being present in the moment. The good news is Interplay is helping me to be present, listen to my body’s wisdom and “play” with whatever is in front of me the good and the not so good (i.e. paperwork).  

Another way I meet life’s challenges are with a terrific support team and reading and taking in inspirational material (such as all the #Reverb13 blogs).

Wishing you all the best in 2014 to deal with your challenges – let me know if I can be of any help!



I was so excited to see Brene Brown’s quote included with today’s prompt.  I was lucky enough to have Brene as a teacher and friend when I completed my Master’s in Social Work at the University of Houston in Texas.    If you haven’t read her latest book Daring Greatly I highly recommend it 🙂