As the holidays fast approach Joe and I were lucky enough today to take some time and participate in our friend
Jennifer Denning‘s Interplay workshop
It was held at The Mask Center in the L5P Community Center
We took two hours to focus in on our body wisdom and play with topics around the holidays.
One of my favorites was doing the form “I could talk about…” tweeked a little to “I could say yes too….” for the Holiday season.
So here are a few of my “I could say yes too….”
….enjoying a long road trip with my family.
….reconnecting with family that I haven’t seen in a while.
….walking hand in hand around the lake.
….playing games and laughing so hard your stomach hurts.
….Christmas cards this year.
….seeking out the joy in everyone I meet.
If you want to know a little more about interplay Cynthia Winton-Henry a new friend and one of the founders of Interplay wrote this article: An Open letter about Interplay
I hope you’ve had a fabulous Sunday. Here in ATL it’s rainy and cool. I just lit the fireplace and am going to settle in with a book to finish out the weekend.
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