Creating Day 8 – What went right in 2013?
What went right in 2013?I love this prompt! So many things went right in 2013 - It truly has been a great year. The story that keeps bubbling up to the surface and wanting to be told in response to this prompt [...]
Creating Day 7 – Reveal you self (ie)
photo take by Laura Hecht :)This photo was taken the first weekend of November during the weekend of my "It is Possible" Women's Retreat! We had just completed a 2,5 mile hike to see the Glen Falls Waterfall in the Nantahala National [...]
Creating Day 5 #Reverb13 – Memories are Made of This
2013 has been a year packed full of adventure, fun and lots of moments to remember here are a few (okay more than a few but wow it was hard to choose)...We had a great time building the Hobbit house for Sammie's [...]
Creating Opportunites for Risk – #Reverb13 prompt 5
Prompt today - What risks have you taken in 2013 and what are the outcomes? I have been a risk taker most of my life. I love roller coasters, skydiving, kayaking, hiking, teenagers and so much more. When I think about 2013 these [...]
Creating a Poem about Grief
GriefIt hits me at different timesan unexpected shadow on a sunny dayAt times when I turn to tell you somethingor pick up the phone to calland I doubt myselfI doubt the sixteen years that built our friendshipour daily conversationsand a lifetime of [...]
Creating a heart answer
Try this today. What does your heart have to tell you?Interestingly this was a tough prompt for me. When Kat shared today's prompt for #Reverb13 over at katmcnally.comShe wrote:Today, I want to share with you a life-changing practice I discovered with [...]
Creating Nourishment – Day 2 #Reverb13
The way we nourish ourselves determines our ability to shine our light in the world. And nourishment doesn't just come in the form of food and drink and sunshine; it's equally important to nourish your spirit. What made your soul feel most [...]
Creating day 1 of Reverb 13 🙂
Thanksgiving creativity 🙂 It is the first day of Reverb13. This is a yearly blogging project that my friend Ruth Schowalter invited me to join along with other friends in the Daily Creative Practice. Darlene and Ruth and I all did the [...]
Creating Holiday Play
As the holidays fast approach Joe and I were lucky enough today to take some time and participate in our friend Jennifer Denning's Interplay workshop Say Yes! to the Holidays!It was held at The Mask Center in the L5P Community Center We took [...]
Creating Calm
Today has been an overcast and cloudy day in ATL.I've been working on laundry and housecleaning on and off all day and I'm still not finished! I need to get by to my flylady routine of a load a day - it [...]
Creating Randomness
Ruth taking pictures of the Ginko leaves on our beautiful walk Wed.The Ginko leaves that had fallen overnight in Ruth's neighborhoodMy friend Anji at the Atlanta History Center - We had a terrific time wandering in the gardensFriends - a really cool [...]
Creating a Comeback
Today has been a tough one.Yesterday my teenager and I had a doozie of a fight. It was a perfect storm of lack of sleep, hormones and stress that exploded all over mom. Yuck.It threw me off my game so much I [...]
Creating Creating Creating I could talk about….
After two months of blogging daily it has been weird to be on break (at first for a women's retreat and then out of routine). As I sit to write this first blog back I'm in a pickle...what do I write about. [...]
Creating Joy
Here is the view from the beautiful Mountain home in the Highlands where I held my retreat.My set of prayer flags I created thanks to +Darlene Sperber's idea!Me balancing on a stump in the Nantahala forest after a hike to see Glen [...]
Creating Success 🙂 and a Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween & Happy Last day of Blogtoberfest!Alex was a silent film star this year :)Sammie was a spooky ghost who scored a lot of candy ;)Yeah Success!!! Picked up 3 friends from the Marta who came in for tomorrow's retreat! Shopped [...]
Creating Wednesday
This morning's view from the mailbox :)Today has been a good day and a challenging day.I woke up battling a cold...blah!!! I am still winning at this point but it's an added distraction I really didn't need this week (of course who [...]
Creating a Tuesday to remember
Day started off crazy when I realized an hour late that Sammie was supposed to be at an eye doctor appointment before school! Grrrrr That was a costly (time-wise) mistake. They graciously allowed me to come in to the appointment late because [...]
Creating Mondays 🙂
So today is the first day I haven't had company in over 10 days :)I loved having my folks and then Sheila visit - it was yummy and fun and I was sad when they left.Today - I wish I could have [...]
Sunday Snippets
You know how an experience is so big it's hard to put words too & how it was so much fun that "you had to be there!" That's how I feel about the weekend that just wrapped up and the people that [...]
Creating Saturday
Last night was such an crisp cool night that was perfect for snuggling with my sweetheart who just came home from a week long business trip. Sheila and I came in close to 10pm from the opening day of the Secrets workshop. We [...]
Creating Body Wisdom
1st day of the Secrets workshop for Interplay.So much to write about and say.What my body needs:Good sleep (that's why this will be brief tonight)YogaClean EatingDaily Movement/ExerciseTouchA connection to Mother EarthStillness and MeditationTo be heard.So listening and responding I'm off to sleep.Namaste, [...]
Creating Thursday
Just home from the Thursday night opening of the Interplay secrets weekend being held at Pine Lake. It was delightful! There were over 20 people to kick off the weekend including +Hallelujah Truth Ruth! What a great night and event. I have [...]
Creating Haiku for you 🙂
Warrior Mother House Party TonightFriends Food Laughter Tears and DanceThe book was performedWe had a great time tonight hearing Sheila read from her book and perform segments with Interplay Improv. I have so much to share including pictures if I could find [...]
Creating Something
You know when you can't remember your password - it's too late and you're too tired to be blogging!Today has been a day of transition.Mom and I greeted the day with yoga together - which was delightful!My folks left to head back [...]