Creating Fun & Celebration
So today was a bit out of the ordinary - It was early release day for the elementary & middle schools for conferences and my friend Candace (a second grade teacher) asked me if I would watch her two precious kids - [...]
Creating Memories
Whew - I think I waited a bit too long to write tonight! I'm ready to crawl into bed (7pm) and read the new book I started and get an early start on a good night's rest! Alex (15) cooked a great dinner [...]
Creating Connections
“Seek opportunities to show you care. The smallest gestures often make the biggest difference.” ― John WoodenSo one of the many things I do, but I don't think I've talked about in my blog, is life coaching. I have been coaching people [...]
Creating a Poem for Fall Equinox
Fall Equinox The day our light matches our dark Balance A day for thin sweaters and shorts The sweet smell of crisp autumn in the air Sunlight glistens on leaves that turned colors over night Possibilities of Fall tempt our senses Hiking, [...]
Creating Space to Play
What a Super Saturday! Today was the Norcross Interplay playshop that Jennifer Denning came up from Atlanta to Faciliate! We had a terrific group including a teenager and my sweet husband, Joe. Sammie was present for an hour before she had to [...]
Creating Calm
Full Harvest Moon this morning from my back deck through the trees My Day started out with a beautiful full Harvest Moon sighting 🙂 I had gotten a glimpse of it the night before but enjoyed seeing it again to start my [...]
Creating a Great Day
Vermillion is the color of the beautiful sunrise I saw last Friday Today has been a terrific Thursday! It started off with a quick am forward bend Yoga routine, followed by morning routine/carpool, which led to walking around the lake with my friend [...]
Creating Competence
Joe's creative picture 🙂 of my phone taking a picture of the girls and I with Soyinka! Today we said goodbye to my new friend, Soyinka Rahim who was flying back to Pittsburgh after her visit to Atlanta. Before she left we took [...]
Creating wellness
Our group last nightToday has been a day for creating wellness in my life. I had an amazingly full and long weekend with out of town guests, Sammie's photography class, an international festival, an unexpected church picnic and so much more. Yesterday [...]
A Quick Haiku for the blog tonight
The Race Dance - Exploring Connections and ActionsInterplay delightI am filled to the brim with loveThankful for tonight
Painting? Painting! Creating Mixed Media Art…
Purple canvas to build onLast year we started holding art nights once a month at our home. The idea was to have a space/time for people to come and create. The only rule was that you had to be positive (leave the [...]
The logo for the local Atlanta Interplay group “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -George Bernard Shaw InterPlay is an artform that anyone can do! Through easy incremental forms, participants are [...]
An Ode
This is a mug Alex recently decorated and it was sold at Dragon ConThis morning my friend Ruth threw out a challenge for those of us participating in a daily creative practice to write an ode.This was inspired by Melissa's fabulous ode [...]
Today my post will be short and sweet as I prepare for company to arrive tonight. Above is the beautiful window Alex painted last night to greet our special guests. I'm hoping to have a couple of moments over tea later to [...]
Sprint through 40 🙂
Before the first race!Over five years ago I made the decision to compete in a triathlon in honor of my 40th birthday. At that time I gave myself two years to prepare and invited friends and family to join me in improving [...]
Summer Fun
A few of my scouts at sunrise on Tybee Island As fall fast approaches I want to take a moment to give gratitude for the amazing summer we had. It was a summer full of family, friends and fun! One of the highlights [...]
Seeking a daily creative project….
Today has been a busy day full of tasks. Several important things have gotten accomplished and I started back with my Master's swim class for the first time in 3 months. When I thought about what I wanted to blog about today the [...]
Satisfying Soul Sunday
What a yummy weekend!Last night the crew and I went to the Beltline in Atlanta to participate in a lantern walk.To say it was incredible feels like an understatement. There were well over a thousand people with creative lanterns gathered together to [...]
Cleaning and Creativity
This morning as I take my time getting started, I'm sitting here enjoying a cup of my favorite Ceylon Black Peach Tea and contemplating my day. After the very late night blog post I wanted to start my day with creativity. I've [...]
Fabulous Friday & Meatball Madness 🙂
I just found this picture and thought it was too funny since it's 11:02 pm and I'm writing my daily blog before Midnight so it counts for today!Today has been a fabulous Friday full of fitness, friendship and fun!The morning starting with [...]
The Importance of Rituals
I have participating in many rituals in my life. When I typed the word ritual in Bing the following appeared:Definition of ritual (n)Bing Dictionaryrit·u·al [ ríchoo əl ] established formal behavior: an established and prescribed pattern of observance, e.g. in a religionperformance of formal acts: the observance of actions [...]
Celebrating Joe 🙂
Today is my sweetheart's birthday. Today he turns 48. Happy Happy Birthday Joe! The above picture is one of him jumping for joy (beside Sammie who had landed) in celebration of the sun rising on Amelia Island. One of the things I [...]
Having a moment…or two!
Lost passwords, computer glitches and other fun things have delayed me in starting my blog today. Or at least those are the physical things I can "blame" it on for now. Even as I type this the screen is in a grey [...]
Manifesting Mondays
Recently a group of friends and I starting gathering for a Manifesting Monday's group that I facilitate. This is a one hour goal and positive accountability group to help us focus in on our dreams and what we want to create. It's [...]
Daily Practice and a Poem of Thanksgiving
The thing about a daily practice is that in order to get better you must practice it daily. Brilliant insight... I know. Yet on this stormy Sunday afternoon I am just sitting down to "make" myself write. I am tired. Two days of [...]