I think I over did it….
"I think I over did it..." Is a phrase that makes me chuckle. I hear it on a very regular basis from my dear husband, Joe, who loves to work out and push himself to his maximum. He tells me these words [...]
Good Enough….
So the thing I'm finding the most difficult about starting a blog and "practicing" it daily is it being good enough. Yesterday I did a very quick post in less than 15 minutes to go with the topic I chose. After I [...]
15 Minutes a Day…
In Fifteen Minutes a day you can do anything! This is a theme that has been running through my life since I first discovered www.flylady.net almost 10 years ago. The FlyLady has a wonderful system for staying organized and keeping your house [...]
Blogging for You? Blogging for Me? Blogging for Therapy?
It’s almost Fall. The time of year when the kids are getting back to school, the time of year that I’m beginning to get my school-year stride and the time of year that I’m having my annual identity crisis. I laugh at [...]
Moms aren’t supposed to…
Moms aren’t supposed to kill themselves. It seems obvious when stated so bluntly and on the heels of a friend’s recent suicide. Thoughts have been circling in my mind all week. What happened? How could this have happened? Why? Why? Why? [...]