From The Center of the Labyrinth – Peace
CHRISTINE NICHOLS GAUTREAUX·SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2018·READING TIME: 3 MINUTES - Originally published 10/28/18 on FB Notes Yesterday we were celebrating the International InterPlay Day: Hope and Possibilities. InterPlay Atlanta had an amazing event full of love, storytelling and community. It was afterwards [...]
As The Storm Rolls In….
Dear friends, A poem from yesterday: The storm CG 5/21/18 As the storm rolls in In this hot, almost summer, day It matches my mood. Grumbling with thunder Pressure pressing down on the chest Oppressive stillness Knowing that the damn is [...]
Like the newly emerging buds of Spring
Dear friends,It's been way too long since I've written from this platform. The past year I have been writing poetry, being active in my community and processing all of the chaos that is currently in our world.I visited this blog this weekend [...]
Creating Peace with the dawn
Dear friends,This morning before dawnI entered the Labyrinthand as I slowly circled towards the center my gazecaught the eye of a buck grazing across the forestin the East with the colors of the pink dawn as his beautiful backdrop.If you look really [...]
Creating From the Labyrinth
Dear Friends,After more than a week (due to weather and travel) I was finally able to start my morning in the Labyrinth. In the early morning light before the sun rose I walked back to my sacred space and had to pause to [...]
Creating Bravery
Dear Friends,Yesterday I was asked what is the bravest thing I've ever done?I was standing in Smith's Gallery in downtown Duluth, GA talking to Larry the artist and co-owner about painting and how I've always wanted to learn how to paint but it [...]
Creating A Poem during Spirit Play
Dear Friends,InterPlay Inspiration DeckI have so much to share and I want to tell you about what I've been up to the past month! I think it's about 5 blogs worth so I decided the best course of action is to start [...]
Creating a Labyrinth
"Why sometimes I believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." - Lewis CarrollDear Friends,A week ago today we created a Labyrinth. Why you ask?"The labyrinth is a spiritual tool that has many applications in various settings. It reduces stress, quiets the [...]
Self Care
Dear friends,I was talking with a friend in crisis this weekend and the topic of Radical Self Care came up.According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary:Definition of SELF-CARE: care for oneself : self-treatment According to Psychology Dictionary: What is SELF-CARE? definition of SELF-CARE (Psychology Dictionary) What [...]
Laughter and religion
“What is this precious love and laughter budding in our hearts?” says the Sufi poet Hafiz. “Listen … it is the glorious sound of a soul waking up!” Dear friends,It's been a beautiful weekend her in Atlanta, GA. Sunshine and Spring like temperatures. I'm [...]
Going to Prison
Sunrise on the way to Lee Arrendale PrisonDear friends,Have you ever been to prison? I have.Today as I was driving home from a terrific performance I was thinking about how to articulate the experience.It all started over 10 years ago when Sheila Collins, [...]
Enchanter’s Echo
Dear Friends,Feeling better today and and was able to get out and about a little.Had tea with my friend, Denise, at our new local coffee shop, Espresso Theory.Denise writes under the pen name, Anise Rae.Her second book Enchanter's Echo of the Mayflower [...]
Wordle Play
Dear friends,Still battling a cold so played with Wordle tonight as my blog entry....InterPlay Wordle
Dear friends, I'm participating in a February Blogging challenge for inspired blogging. Today's prompt was gratitude. Ya'll know I'm a huge gratitude fan and have a practice of giving gratitudes on a daily basis.I have to confess today I'm struggling a little. Yesterday [...]
One Billon Rising
Dear friends,I have somehow found myself as part of a revolution. When I think revolution I think protesting in the streets and violence yet the movement I'm a part of uses art and love. As I reflect on it I realize it started [...]
Saying goodbye to January and welcome Febuary
Dear friends,Welcome to February! Not completely sure how January went by so fast but whew what a whirlwind. It's been a month of expansion (as I dive into 2015) and some contraction (as I let go of 2014). 2015 necklaces Snake/spiral energy [...]
Creating January
Dear friends,Still working on my groove for the New Year and I wanted to share a few pics of what is inspiring me... These beauties now grace my fridge thanks to my mother and her thoughtful New Year's gift. These are done [...]
Creating a New Year!
Dear friends,Wow! January 7th already. I took a break from blogging (a little longer than I anticipated) after #Reverb14.Between the youngest battling the flu for 6 days, the holidays and being out of my routine the time has magically disappeared!Yesterday school started [...]
Last day of Reverb14 Day 21: Ending with Certainty
Reverb14 Day 21: ending with certaintyToday, I'd like you to revisit what you wrote on 1 December on the first day of Reverb14. How does that compare to where you are now i.e. what can you say today with certainty?Then, without thinking too [...]
Rerverb14 Day 20: Space for joy
Reverb14 Day 20: space for joy (with thanks to Jen Lee) Today's prompt comes from the phenomenal Jen Lee (photo credit Bella Cirovic). Jen's superpower is harnessing her gifts to offer beautiful resources for the creative journey, usually in loving collaboration. The forthcoming The 10 Letters [...]
Reverb14 – Day 19 – signs and symbols
Dear friends,I'm a little behind due to the youngest member of the household having the flu 🙁 but I wanted to finish up #Reverb14 so here we go... Reverb14 Day 19: signs and symbolsSometimes I feel like an intrepid explorer through the [...]
Creating Reverb14 – Day 18 – Nourishment
Today's prompt and image come from the gorgeous Sophie Appleby aka Her Library Adventures. Sophie is also the co-creator of Wilde Asher, a powerful collection of talismans handmade with her mum and sister. To soak in Sophie's world is to wander in [...]
Creating Reberb14 Day 17: Don’t be an a**hole
Reverb14 Day 17: don’t be an a**hole Apologies for the slightly controversial subject line! I stole it with love (and kind permission) from my friend Summer Pierre’s absolutely brilliant comic of the same title. I love the way she realises how hard she has [...]
Reverb14 Day 16: Wonder
Dear friends,Today's prompt and image come from the brilliant Tracy Brisson, founder of The Opportunities Project. Tracy writes:In 2015, is there something you’d like to try harder at because you believe it would make all the difference? Conversely, what is something you could stop [...]
Reverb14 – Day 15 – Do it Anyway
Dear friends,Today's prompt: What are you really proud that you made happen in 2014, despite the gremlins? And what will you do anyway in 2015? Oh those pesky gremlins the ones that whisper, "Who are you to do this?" "No one will show up!" [...]