Have Fun Exploring My Blog Posts2018-06-04T20:04:59+00:00

From The Center of the Labyrinth – Peace

CHRISTINE NICHOLS GAUTREAUX·SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2018·READING TIME: 3 MINUTES - Originally published 10/28/18 on FB Notes Yesterday we were celebrating the International InterPlay Day: Hope and Possibilities. InterPlay Atlanta had an amazing event full of love, storytelling and community. It was afterwards [...]

Self Care

Dear friends,I was talking with a friend in crisis this weekend and the topic of Radical Self Care came up.According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary:Definition of SELF-CARE:  care for oneself :  self-treatment  According to Psychology Dictionary: What is SELF-CARE? definition of SELF-CARE (Psychology Dictionary) What [...]

Wordle Play

Dear friends,Still battling a cold so played with Wordle tonight as my blog entry....InterPlay Wordle


Dear friends, I'm participating in a February Blogging challenge for inspired blogging.  Today's prompt was gratitude.  Ya'll know I'm a huge gratitude fan and have a practice of giving gratitudes on a daily basis.I have to confess today I'm struggling a little.  Yesterday [...]

Creating a New Year!

Dear friends,Wow!  January 7th already.  I took a break from blogging (a little longer than I anticipated) after #Reverb14.Between the youngest  battling the flu for 6 days, the holidays and being out of my routine the time has magically disappeared!Yesterday school started [...]

Last day of Reverb14 Day 21: Ending with Certainty

Reverb14 Day 21: ending with certaintyToday, I'd like you to revisit what you wrote on 1 December on the first day of Reverb14. How does that compare to where you are now i.e. what can you say today with certainty?Then, without thinking too [...]

Rerverb14 Day 20: Space for joy

Reverb14 Day 20: space for joy (with thanks to Jen Lee) Today's prompt comes from the phenomenal Jen Lee (photo credit Bella Cirovic). Jen's superpower is harnessing her gifts to offer beautiful resources for the creative journey, usually in loving collaboration. The forthcoming The 10 Letters [...]

Reverb14 – Day 19 – signs and symbols

Dear friends,I'm a little behind due to the youngest member of the household having the flu 🙁  but I wanted to finish up #Reverb14 so here we go... Reverb14 Day 19: signs and symbolsSometimes I feel like an intrepid explorer through the [...]

Creating Reverb14 – Day 18 – Nourishment

Today's prompt and image come from the gorgeous Sophie Appleby aka Her Library Adventures. Sophie is also the co-creator of Wilde Asher, a powerful collection of talismans handmade with her mum and sister. To soak in Sophie's world is to wander in [...]

Creating Reberb14 Day 17: Don’t be an a**hole

Reverb14 Day 17: don’t be an a**hole Apologies for the slightly controversial subject line! I stole it with love (and kind permission) from my friend Summer Pierre’s absolutely brilliant comic of the same title.  I love the way she realises how hard she has [...]

Reverb14 Day 16: Wonder

Dear friends,Today's prompt and image come from the brilliant Tracy Brisson, founder of The Opportunities Project. Tracy writes:In 2015, is there something you’d like to try harder at because you believe it would make all the difference? Conversely, what is something you could stop [...]

Reverb14 – Day 15 – Do it Anyway

Dear friends,Today's prompt: What are you really proud that you made happen in 2014, despite the gremlins? And what will you do anyway in 2015? Oh those pesky gremlins the ones that whisper, "Who are you to do this?"  "No one will show up!"  [...]


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