Creating a post for Summer Solstice and DCP Creative Challenge
Dear Friends,Wow! Has it has truly been over two months since I have last blogged? For that matter since I have done any of my daily creative practices routinely. Blah. It was just over a month ago that we got the word [...]
Creating the last day of Spring Break – Sunday
Sunday, the last day of Spring Break and the day of the concert arrived!!!Needless to say people were excited! We woke up that morning with a plan. We had to pack up everything and clean Bridget's apt. before we headed into the city. [...]
Creating Spring Break’s Special Saturday
Dear friends,Last Saturday we woke up to a beautiful day in Brooklyn, NY. Bridget, Joe and I woke up early and headed out walking parkside for about a mile to reach the top of Prospect Park and the farmer's market! Squeeeeee. I [...]
Creating Spring Break – Last Friday Funday 
Dear Friends,Last Friday was a fun day in NYC. We rode the subway into the city and got off at the Natural Science Museum stop across from Central Park. Just being in the subway was stunning due to all the mosaics!I loved [...]
Creating Spring Break – Last Thursday- NYC
Dear friends,So last Thursday we woke up in Allentown, PA and after a quick hotel breakfast we were on the road. We made it through New Jersey laughing at our misconceptions that it wouldn't have trees and went straight to Hoboken to [...]
Creating Spring Break 2014 – last Wed.
Dear friends,Last Wed. the Gautreaux Gang + 2 of Alex's best friends set out on an epic adventure. The goal = New York City. Alex was the precipitous for this trip - One of her favorite boy bands - BAP was playing in [...]
Creating a Blog about Spring Break and more…..
Dear Friends,So last week was Spring Break here in GA. We had a glorious time with so many fun adventures I'm not even sure where to start! The beginning of the week started off with rest and relaxation. Enjoying the spring flowers [...]
Creating a blog for Monday Funday Prompt #3
#3 Funday Monday blog prompt - thinking outside the box. and I mean this in terms of the tools you use - not just your everyday brushes and paint. Do you ever see a stick and wonder what kind of mark it [...]
Creating a blog about process 
#2 Funday Monday blog prompt - Today's prompt is about process...When you are in your "artistic flow" what are the tools &/or rituals you used to get yourself there? Is there a certain time of day you do your art and for [...]
Creating a new post about color 
A blue scarf I made recently :)Dear friends,I took a little break last week after a 15 day blog-a-thon and an incredible experience (Interplay Life Practice+++)which I was integrating. I'm excited to be back to blogging and starting off this week with a [...]
Creating quite a day
+Hallelujah Truth & +Sheila K Collins with me in front of the aib tv studioDear friends,Today has been quite a day! On Thursday evening my dear friend +Sheila K Collins came in town to lead the Interplay Life Practice program here in Atlanta. [...]
Creating the last day of the c4 blogsthon
Dear friends, I'm away at an Interplay Life Practice retreat so this last post is later than usual. Know that I'm thinking of you and my gift of thanks was given tonight when I walked a beautiful labyrinth in the moon light, [...]
Creating Day 14: Friday Picture day 
Working on costumes at Art NightSammie at her photo exhibit at Lionheart Performing Arts Centerme telling a story at an Interplay event in Norcross at the PAC
Creating Day 13: Community
Hello Friends,Part of my DCP today :)Today our prompt is asking us about community and how our artwork supports it. My "art" supports my family and community through my work in girl scouts, coaching volleyball at the Y, serving on the high [...]
Creating Day 12 – A Rant?
Prompt 12: As an artist or creative entrepreneur, explore your relationship to money in a rant.What do you want to proclaim about your art and its financial role in your life? Aspects of money to consider:Dear friends,Today's prompt is a bit of [...]
Creating Day 11 – c4 Blogathon – I love my superpowers 
Today, we want to ask you to name some of the tools, resources, or connections that you need to conquer your creative dreams. What knowledge gaps do you have?I think the list on this one may be too long - lol!For sure [...]
Creating Day 10 – Creating Risks
What are some appropriate risks for you? Today, think about what are creative risks you might take in your creative practice. What risks can you take in your business? Are there risks you’ve taken that have led to positive change? Any that [...]
Creating Day 9 – A Haiku about my inspiration
Sunrise Jan 13, 2014InspirationSun and moon risingsMother Earth's glory capturedFilling hearts with joy
Creating Day 8 – With easy focus
Prompt:The key to thinking of Blue Ocean Strategy is thinking big, and of the big picture. What need can your creative offering fill, that no one else has done before? What problem are you solving for the people who experience your art? [...]
Creating Day 6 – A perfect year of art making…
C4ward March Blogathon: Day 6 PromptImagine one perfect year of art making. Be bold and allow yourself to envision what the ideal situation would be like to you. Tell us about it! Draw or paint it! Sing it! Dance it! Write a [...]
Creating Day 5 – A studio – what’s that?
C4ward March Blogathon: Day 5 PromptBring to life the dynamics of your studio. What gives you satisfaction in the studio? What are you currently exploring there? Create a "wish list" for your work. What studio goals would allow for ecstasy?Hello friends,Today's prompt is [...]
Creating Day 4 Goals
Hello Friends,I'm a little short on time today - I had a great meeting with the Atlanta Interplay group envisioning the future of Interplay in Atlanta. Got to stop by the Dekalb Farmer's market to get some goodies, picked up kiddos and [...]
Creating Day 3 – Sharing my favorite work and more….
DAY 3 Look at your body of creative work past and present. What work is your favorite? Why? What work are you the most proud of? Why? Are they the same work or different? Explain. How would you communicate your feelings about [...]
Creating Day 2 – c4 Blogathon – Where am I going…
Day 2 -Hello friends,I sat down to write today's prompt thinking I would go with Ruth's suggestion of doing it from a journalist perspective and be imaginative and fun. Well, that's not happening. I'm sitting here in a little bit of fear [...]