This morning as I take my time getting started, I’m sitting here enjoying a cup of my favorite Ceylon Black Peach Tea and contemplating my day. After the very late night blog post I wanted to start my day with creativity. I’ve been playing with this for the past two weeks since I’ve started blogging daily. It truly does make a difference with my day when I lead with creativity at the forefront. Just like it makes a difference to me when I lead with my Yoga and meditation/prayer time. So this morning I jumped out of bed contemplating writing my blog first thing this morning before I cleaned the house. Great wisdom you say, or procrastination – probably a little of both!
As I ran outside barefooted in my house dress to take a picture for you all of my beautiful flowers in my front yard – I laughed. I laughed with the joy of looking for beauty to share. I smiled with the feeling that creativity wells up in me even when it’s something little like trying to get a decent picture with my iphone.
Today is a day for cleaning around the Gautreaux Gang Hideout. I made some headway this week in between fun activities but I want to get some deep cleaning done including shampooing carpets and dusting ceiling fans (yuck). I may have out of town company next weekend and I love having an impetus for getting major cleaning tasks done. I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with cleaning my house. I LOVE to have a clean house – It makes me feels like I can breathe when the Fung Shway is flowing and I have the space to create. Of course I hate am not a fan of getting it there. Especially since I live with a house full of artists and anytime the house is completely clean it seems everyone gets the same bug to immediately create a new mess project in honor of the cleanliness! So this has always been one of my challenges in regard to liking/loving the process. I love Flylady who shared this banner this week:
Dear Christine, your joy of life is contagious! I'm so excited to be sharing this blogging journey with you. I'm also anticipating the upcoming Secrets workshop with excitement and curiosity. I am so glad that I will have the opportunity to get to know you better.
Hurray for acts in progress!
It was great seeing you at the Lantern Parade on the Beltline!