#3 Funday Monday blog prompt – thinking outside the box. and I mean this in terms of the tools you use – not just your everyday brushes and paint. Do you ever see a stick and wonder what kind of mark it would make? Do you ever – while cleaning the kitchen – wonder about the texture and color the coffee grounds might have? the burnt embers in your fireplace? If you are a musician – do you secretly listen to theTango music of Gordel, or maybe Katie Perry? If you are writer, do you look at The Enquirer. We’d love to know how you think outside the proverbial BOX. Show us what you have done if you can! We all learn from each other.

Dear Friends,

This Monday started off dark and rainy – a great way to start a spring break snuggled in bed for extra sleep and book reading 🙂

I love the #3 prompt that Vickie Martin Conison  posted in the Daily Creative Practice Group.  I love thinking outside of the box and coming up with cool ways to use things especially when it comes to upcycling!  

Today the first thing that pops into my mind is not something I “created’ but something fun that we found and use for a different purpose in a creative way….

Above is a picture of my Tibetan Singing bowls which I play for healing and meditation.  They are made of a combination of metals including some ancient ones and they sing beautifully.  The largest bowl plays the notes C and G and is a “universal bowl.”  The Medium bowl plays F and c and is a “heart bowl.”  The Little one plays A and is a “head or crown Chakra bowl.”  See the tiny one in my hand?  It’s actually a freeze plug that popped out of my Chevy Truck this winter when I forgot to put anti-freeze in my radiator-yikes!  The freeze plug did it’s job and popped out to save my engine (thank goodness).  When Joe was replacing it he noticed that it was made out of brass and when “tapped” it played a note not too unlike my singing bowls 🙂  So he presented me with an itty bitty baby “bowl” to go with my collection….definitely thinking outside of the box!

Here is an example of a healing bowl session that I found on You tube:  Healing Bowl Session.
I could go on and on how cool sound vibration therapy is and how they’ve done scientific studies in Europe that are awesome but I think that may be an additional blog post!

I hope I get a chance to make some art this week with out of the box thinking…I’ll post updates if I do!

Wrapping you around with infinite love and healing,
