Dear friends,
I’ve been working on a poem today in tribute to a dear friend of my sister, Katie. He was killed a year ago today cycling in Houston, TX.

Jonathan King Lennard
Dec 24, 1965 – Aug 12, 2013
Single, no kids
BS Aerospace Engineering, Texas, 1988
Part owner of Software company that does contract work for Shell Oil.
Musician (bass and guitar)
Walking encyclopedia of all things rock ‘n roll
Avid reader (a lot of science fiction, Asimov, etc)
Beer/Spirits/Coffee – no expense spared for the best.
Early on: skate, surf, kayak
Later: cycling and snowboarding
As a cyclist myself there are so many more things to say on this topic – so much awareness to bring. I think I’ll leave that for another post and today leave you with what another friend of his said in tribute, “This could be my last ride. Either make sure it isn’t, or make sure it’s worth it.”
Wrapping you around with infinite love and healing,
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