Dear friends,

Today over at the Daily Creative Practice (DCP for short) we started Week #1 of Art Therapy Thursday.

The idea was born from a Huff post article 10 easy art therapy techniques to help you de-stress.

Today’s assignment for week #1 was – 

Design a Postcard You Don’t Intend to Send. 

From DCP’s FB page:

Have fun designing a postcard; however you want to make it. Then write something, anything….”Whether it’s a love note to someone you’re not ready to confess your feelings to, or an angry rant you know is better left unsaid, sometimes enumerating all the details helps deflate the issue at hand. While writing the text can be therapeutic in its own right, designing the postcard gives even more value to the object. It also allows you to activate different portions of your brain while relaxing in a manner similar to coloring in a coloring book. Once you toss that signed and sealed letter in the trash (or tuck it away in a drawer), you’ll find its message has lost some of its power.”

Here is my postcard:

I loved this assignment and it really got me thinking and feeling.  I have another post card to make on the road to forgiveness of an issue I’ve been holding onto too long.  I’m not sure when or how it will emerge.  I do know that it was personal enough and still painful enough that it wasn’t up for public, Face book posting; However, this per-curser postcard (I do love alliteration)  brought to my awareness the tender spot I still have.

Is there a postcard you need to create?

Have you done art therapy before?

Wrapping you around with infinite love and healing,



Day 18

Manifesting Through Grace


I am grateful for divine manifestations.


Hoom Namah
My divine nature reveals itself as it awakens.