C4ward March Blogathon: Day 6 Prompt
Imagine one perfect year of art making. Be bold and allow yourself to envision what the ideal situation would be like to you. Tell us about it! Draw or paint it! Sing it! Dance it! Write a poem!
Some aspects to consider (but not necessary):
- Where are you geographically?
- What does your dream work environment look and feel like?
- How is your studio equipped?
- Who are you creating or collaborating with?
- Who supports your daily life as you make your creative work?
- How many hours do you spend creating?
- How many hours do you spend selling your work or managing the business end?
- What do you do for recreation?
- What do you do for inspiration?
- Do you have any specific goals for this year?
EXTRAS FOR CONSIDERATION: Why aren’t you doing this now? What is preventing you from having your perfect year of making art? What action(s) could you take to have some of this perfection in your life now?
Hello friends,
It’s a grey and drippy day at my house today. I hope this post finds you healthy and well and warm
I’m’ going to play with the prompts we were given today:
Where are you geographically?
I love where we live – I love North Georgia and the only thing that could make it better was if I was living right on the lake, or a flowing creek or the ocean 
What does your dream work environment look and feel like?
My dream environment has warm wood floors, lots of natural light and a comfortable and creative vibe with lots of color.

How is your studio equipped?
I realized as I type this today that I want to create large to giant canvases 
Even writing this makes me feel excited and elated on the inside. I want to do my Totem series and I want them to be BIG!!!! So my studio would need to have the necessary supplies to make that happen!
Who are you creating or collaborating with?
I would be collaborating with friends from the DCP and hopefully my sweetheart, Joe and my daughters who are talented artist.
Who supports your daily life as you make your creative work?
This is a good question – I know the Universe will support this endeavor and I probably need to get good enough so I support “myself” by selling some art :). Or I could get a winning lottery ticket (we are dreaming here).
How many hours do you spend creating?How many hours do you spend selling your work or managing the business end?
In a dream year I would have 4-6 hours a day to create. This would include time to dream and plan. An hour a day for the “business” end of the art.
What do you do for recreation?
My “free” time would be spent doing yoga, meditating, Interplaying and hanging out with friends and family. I’d probably throw in some triathlons or century rides for fun too
What do you do for inspiration?
My inspiration would be nature and the women’s retreats I facilitate and animal spirits.
Why aren’t you doing this now? What is preventing you from having your perfect year of making art? What action(s) could you take to have some of this perfection in your life now?
I’m not doing this now because I have having fun being a mom and being present in my girls lives and their activities. I could take a step and dedicate some time to learn how to paint – lol
I could also play around with big canvases and/or start doing small studies that I would want to make big. I want to carve out some time for mixed media and painting this year to help bring this to fruition.
Wrapping you around with infinite love and dreaminess today,
Hey Christine, one of my favorite things to do since I had my girls is paint their portraits. It's because it allows me to look and look at their faces and observe every detail, every little valley and every little change in their expression. Their perfection fascinates me. That way I get to be with them and be with art, my two very favorite things!
I love that idea Diana!!