Dear friends,


I love Mondays, fresh starts and Fall Daylight savings time!

This morning I decided it was time to get back to basics and give myself a fresh start.

I woke up at 5am feeling rested and ready for this terrific week.

I did a quick swish and swipe (Thanks Flylady) to get my house back on track and headed downstairs for my morning cup of tea and to start getting my plan together.

I was delighted to discover a new meditation series starting today over at Deepok Chopra’s Meditation Center with Oprah and Deepok.  I’ve participated in two of these in the past and they were wonderful.  Here is my doodle as I listened to the explanation before we went into meditation:

11/03/14 Doodle

So meditation is done (check), morning routines are done (check), blog for Inspired Blogging Group is done (check) and I am ready for a fabulous week!

Lift off!!!

In what ways do you want to give yourself a fresh start? 

I would love to know.  I just read a fellow blogger Nancy Jambor’s offering and it reminded me that I want to add back in Morning pages to my morning routine! 

Wrapping you around with infinite love and the power of purpose,


Day 1

The Nature of Desire


My life moves forward through desire.


Eecha Shakti Namah
I honor the universal power of desire.