Behind the damn of the lake there is an adorable waterfall that is flowing for the first time in over 3 years |
My body/brain has decided to start waking me up 30 min. earlier than my alarm. I’ve decided this is a good thing since it allows me to get my routines done without rushing and this morning I even had time for juicing some yummy fresh veggies after my morning yoga! This has been a great week. Productive, fun and filled with lots of variety. I think the thing that is making it so terrific for me this week is I finally got in some good exercise with a brisk 4? mile hike/walk with my friend Shelly on Monday, Zumba with Joe on Wed. and Am Yoga everyday too. You add some great sunshine to the mix and wooohooo I am one happy girl 🙂
Loved seeing this on the way back from dropping Sammie off at school – the lake is finally full! |
Look what bloomed overnight! Spring is on the way!!!! |
Super find at Costco today – 🙂 |
Loved the sunshine this afternoon!!! |
I loved your Creating Friday. Esp love the last pic of the mobile of heavenly bodies. Also love the title of your blog. Always really nice photos.
What no swimming or biking?
Thanks TJ 🙂
Not this week Aunt Ann – I'm still recovering from my sledding accident so I'm hoping to get up to full speed within a week or two 🙂