So today was a bit out of the ordinary – It was early release day for the elementary & middle schools for conferences and my friend Candace (a second grade teacher) asked me if I would watch her two precious kids – well Yes! Since we’re no longer at the elementary school I miss my regular visits with this amazing family so we were all delighted to have them over for some fun! A few things we created – songs on the drums, songs on the guitar, computer games, and silly songs. Afterwards we all went out to help another couple of special friends celebrate their 12th birthday.
Lizzy & Dillon rocking the squid hats – Sammie photo bombing! |
Squid Pic #2 🙂 |
My friend Lisbeth with her girls Jazlyn & Jocelyn! Happy 12th birthday!! |
Today is also my Nanny’s 86th birthday! Nanny lives in Center, Tx in the log home my Papa built for her when he retired. They have a love story for the ages and were married for over 50 years when my papa died. In the picture below Nanny is a young woman in love holding the photo of her sweetheart who is off at war world II – my papa. I have some other amazing photos I will scan in one day and dedicate a whole blog to their love story. In the meantime – I spoke with my Nanny today – my Aunt Ann and Uncle Sam were in town and taking her out to eat for her birthday. She was excited about how many calls she had gotten today and got a little happy teary. Nanny loves having her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren around and was asking how soon she would get to see us.
I love you Nanny & I’m so glad you were born!!!
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