Prompt today – What risks have you taken in 2013 and what are the outcomes?
I have been a risk taker most of my life. I love roller coasters, skydiving, kayaking, hiking, teenagers and so much more.
When I think about 2013 these are the year’s standouts:
Cycling is my favorite part of triathlons 🙂 Coming in from the 26 miles my Daughter Alex snapped the picture |
For my 43 birthday in June I trained for and participated in an International Distance Triathlon. I swam .9 miles, biked 26 and ran 6.4 miles. I came in 1st in my division- of course I laugh and tell people it’s the older (Masters) big girl (Athena) division but hey it still counts!!! This was the longest distance tri I had completed and the training and race risks paid off with a great start to my birthday!
After the race – red faced but very pleased with the outcome! |
One of the other big “risks” that I began this year was blogging. In March I wrote my first official blog Mom’s aren’t supposed to in response to an acquaintance’s suicide. I realized how cathartic writing is to me. In the past I have done The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and loved it. In August I met a new and wonderful Soul sister +Hallelujah Truth Ruth through Interplay. When I read her blog and shared that I had written “one” too she sent be back a wonderful list of blogging questions that peaked my interest and in response I started blogging daily. Since then I participated in Kat MacNally’s Blogtoberfest (thanks Ruth for the introduction) took a break in November and am back at it for #Reverb13.
Blogging is a risk for me because of sharing parts of myself that I usually keep hidden. I love writing and it is part of my creative practice so a lot of times I feel vulnerable when I put ‘it’ out there. In regards to the rewards they have been wonderful. I have ‘met’ amazing people across the globe and continue to be inspired and awed daily. I feel like blogging has deepened my relationship with several folks including my husband, Joe, of almost 20 years who loves to read my blog and go, “Wow, I didn’t know that!”

I'm getting all warm and fuzzy reading your blog, especially reading about your husband learning things about you he didn't already know. That is wonderful! I am so glad we met through InterPlay and that we are deepening our friendship in so many ways including blogging. Love it that you are risking BEING MORE YOU! Hurray! And congratulations on being such a magnificent athlete!
Thanks Ruth!!! What a wonderful journey we are on together 🙂
So very happy that you found your way to Reverb, my friend! Blogging is one of my favourite — and most rewarding — risks. xx
Thanks Kat – I agree!