The idea of rooting down into your own personal beliefs and center of truth is an ongoing process, and many things can serve as anchors or roots as you move through life.

What rooted or anchored you in 2014?

And where do you want to put down roots in 2015?

Dear friends,

What rooted and anchored me in 2014….

My friends, my family, InterPlay

My friends & InterPlay Life Practice Program

Sacred Spaces
A group photo from the class +Hallelujah Truth and I taught!

…and blogging Creating a Week in Review helps me to remember and pay attention to my Full and Beautiful life!

So grateful for an amazing year and looking forward to deepening the friendships and communities that began this year!

Wrapping you around with infinite love and connection,


p.s. last year’s Christmas card – My family that keeps me rooted and anchored even when they reject a traditional photo shoot for 2015 card and choose art instead (translate into wild and wacky card to be unveiled soon).