Originally published 3/20/2020 on facebook notes; republished 2nd ed. on LinkedIn 5/5/2020
63 degrees and Sunny so far this morning in Duluth, GA.
Good morning world.
I was so grateful that I was able to witness the sunrise this morning. The birds were singing, greeting this day that for humans is faced with uncertainty and fear during the current pandemic.
I am continuing to practice my InterPlay tool of Affirmation this week and looking for and naming the good. (Not to say that bad doesn’t exist because…)
At my house, we are at a week of physical distancing. The news calls it social distancing but in some ways, I’ve been more social and talked to more folks via zoom and phone calls this week than normal (which for me is saying a lot y’all).
Yesterday I spoke to my friend Eleanor, an artist and activist, and we were talking about Rituals, Routines & Ruts. Isn’t that a great title for a blog – I told her I was going to use it and give her credit.
How are your Rituals and Routines holding up in this new world we are experiencing?
This morning was the second time I made it to the Labyrinth at sunrise for morning prayers (ritual). It’s been tempting to stay up too late and therefore get up a little later (rut). I know for myself if I get up after sunrise my day just doesn’t go as well. I’m noticing in my body how important my sleep routine is to maintain.
Last night I put on a meditation from Insight Timer (a free app you can download) after spending an evening in the backyard around our firepit and I slept fantastic for the first time all week.
I’m doing my best to get outside every day and if I see the sun I make sure and soak some of it up even if I’m working while I’m doing it.
I know I’ve been watching too much Netflix (rut anyone) so I made a deal with myself – I can watch whatever I want but I have to be folding laundry or walking on the treadmill while I do it. Yesterday I only checked the news once.
I recommend this.
I’ve had several friends tell me they are having a hard time disconnecting and it’s causing their anxiety to skyrocket.
Take a deep breath.
Control the things you can control – our news intake is one.
Yes, I believe in staying informed (and communicating our wants/needs/thoughts to representatives in charge) and in being in balance with what does your body/spirit/mind truly needs at this time.
Trauma is a tricky thing. Right now we are in a period of collective trauma and holding our breath for what comes next.
So be gentle with yourself.
Get good sleep – it boosts the immune system.
This may take reevaluating your evening routines. Eat good food – put a sticky note on your fridge/pantry that says, “What do I really need right now?” just to check in with yourself.
I’m talking with a lot of folks that are eating to seek comfort. Is there something else you could substitute if this is not working for you such as taking a dance break to your favorite music or having a good cry?
I’m having to check the balance scales and make sure I’m not working too much and I know that there are some that are already bored.
I wrote a fun post earlier this week about 100 plus things to do during Social Distancing.
Some people need to “do” things and some people are seeking to “be.”
I’m checking in with myself and others – What does my soul want at this time? What would feed it? For me, I am noticing I am wanting to reconnect with myself and my art. I need to block out time for creation – writing, photography, painting, and more.
What does your soul need?
Continuing to wrap you and our world around with infinite love, wisdom, and prayers for health, wellness and peace,
P.S. I want to acknowledge that I write this from a place a privilege. I have good food in my pantry currently and even though I’ve lost over 75% of my income my husband has not. If you need help finding and/or accessing resources please reach out to me via DM, email, or phone. Together we can do this.