“I think I over did it…” Is a phrase that makes me chuckle. I hear it on a very regular basis from my dear husband, Joe, who loves to work out and push himself to his maximum. He tells me these words like they are a surprise usually every Tuesday/Thursday (Zumba and lifting weights day) and at least once during the weekend after a 2+ hour workout.
This morning when I woke up they were the first words that filtered through my mind….”I think I over did it…”
Yesterday was a doozie for sure!
I had my regular routines with the kiddos in the morning which includes the neighborhood car pool for Alex and her friends in high school which starts at 6:45am and then Sammie heads off to school about 8:30 . Once I got them launched into their Friday journey I met my friend and neighbor Ellen so we could go do Strong Lifts at the YMCA. We got a great lifting work out in before we headed off to the Aquatic center for our much loved outdoor river running class. Even though the sun was reluctant to make an appearance and the day overcast (as it has been much of this Atlanta summer) the workout was terrific and the endorphins were doing a happy dance – such a great way to start the day!
The plan had been to sneak in a nap sometime late afternoon/early evening in preparation of going out with Joe for his annual birthday weekend/Dragon Con extravaganza. We had been talking about the upcoming crazy full weekend and doing our best to prioritize the “musts” which included several dances.
It’s a big weekend here in ATL – Dragon Con the largest Sci-Fi convention in the nation (think 57,000 costumed geeks) is happening downtown and The Decatur Book Festival ( 75,000 reading/writing geeks) and it’s Labor day so there are various parties (including a neighborhood block party) that are calling our names – We LOVE where we live!!!
My nap plans were delightfully derailed when I checked the mail after a afternoon carpool (and a very productive day I might add) to find my friend Sheila’s newly released book had arrived!!!
Well I just had to take a quick peek – I knew it was going to be fantastic and the release had been much anticipated. The book was captivating. Such an incredible story of love and courage. When Joe came home over three hours later to pick me up for our date – he found me with tears streaming down my face saying, “just a moment love, just a moment.” I wasn’t quite finished with the book but set it aside to rapidly shift gears and jump into an 80’s costume for the theme dance we had picked for the night.
I have to tell you I was having trouble being in the moment. My heart and mind where still in the book, with my friend Sheila and her beloved family. Out of commitment to my sweetheart I did my best to shift my mood and get in the spirit of the evening. One of the things that helped is that Sheila is a dancer – a fabulous dancer who has taught me throughout the years that you can dance out anything happiness, sorry, anger and the beat goes on.
If you know me, you know that I am a morning person which is is in direct contrast to Joe being a night owl. So we’re heading out at 9pm (otherwise known as my bedtime) for a great adventure.
We arrive downtown which is pulsing with energy as thousands of costumed people move from hotel to hotel seeking fun and connection. There is something magical about this type of energy. Usually I am at my best in small groups and love being with people I really know but I have to admit it is fun to occasionally navigate the rhythm of large crowds.
After a couple hours of dancing with the 80’s music that I love (because I know the words and can sing along) we took a break. As we were heading back from the restrooms we found the ballroom where the Drum Circle was going on – Eureka!!! Now here are my people Out of everything at the Con this was something I had wanted to check out but had not had the opportunity since Joe usually sets the schedule ad he LOVES dancing the night away. Much to his surprise there was great dancing occurring in this room. Belly dancers, fire spinners (with l.e.d. poi since we were inside) and more. We decided to watch for a moment and soak it in. It wasn’t long before my star patterned converses came off and Joe and I joined the “tribal” dancing. Mmmmmm. What an unexpected treat. It’s hard to express how much this filled my soul. I was already feeling connected to Sheila and my clan through the reading of her book earlier in the day and this was just an added gift. The drums reminded me, as Sheila’s book had, of my connection to Mother Earth and all my relations. They reminded me of years of retreats that continue to fill my “cup” with the good stuff that can be shared with the world. It was such a joy to share this moment with Joe – his love of dancing and my love of the native culture blending together seamlessly.
I made it to 2:00 am.
All I can say is thank goodness for this year’s triathlon training
As I limped (just a little) up the stairs to crawl into bed I realized that I had to finish Sheila’s book or I wouldn’t be able to sleep. So in the time it took my energy to settle down I read the last couple of chapters of Warrior Mother to complete my “day”. What a day it was.
I have so much more to tell you as this day has already started off with the possibilities of so many more adventures but I will leave that for another story…
Overflowing with joy,
WOW is my first reaction to this blog post. I admire you for your energy and commitment to movement and physical well being and how it relates to ALL OF YOU.
I am moved by your reading Sheila's book and dancing at Dragon Con.
What an amazing woman you are and how you hold the two activities together by being you!
:)It was truly an incredible day